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人間の欲望、嫉妬の渦、そして真の贖罪とは何かを問いかけるエロティックサスペンス『クロス』。脚本家・宍戸英紀が第39回城戸賞を受賞した本作は、残酷なまでに人間の心の淵を描き出し「映像化不可能」と言われていたが、映画プロデューサー奥山和由と日本アカデミー賞最優秀撮影賞受賞の撮影監督・釘宮慎治が共同監督としてタッグを組み、宍戸の熱い魂に応え、映画化。歯科医院の受付として働きながら贖罪の日々を送る美しい元美術教師・真理子役に、近年では映画『さらば復 讐の狼たちよ』『甥の一生』など良作への出演が続く女優・紺野千春。真理子に敵意を剥き出しにし、幸せを掴み取ろうとする女の執念をむき出しにする知佳役にシンガーでもあ る女優 Sharo。妻・知佳の過去を突きつけられ、夫として、父として家族への愛ゆえに苦悩する孝史役に、映画『恋人 たち』等数多くの映画、TV 作品に出演する実力派俳優・山中聡。主題歌「Just a Closer Walk with Thee~輝く明日へ僕は歩く~」は日本人初のニューヨーク国連でのパフォー マンスを行った“和製スティービー・ワンダー”盲目のピアニスト木下航志が担当。「罪を背負い、過去に囚われ、欲望の中でもがく人間たちに、再生の光は射すのか――
If you can’t pay for premium access by credit/debit card on Tezfile website, you can use your card to buy USDT TRC20 and use them to pay directly for Tezfiles access, without any restrictions (anonymously). You only need to follow a few simple steps to do this.
Step 1: Create a wallet
First of all, you will need a digital wallet to store USDT TRC20. You can choose from various options such as mobile wallets, web wallets, or hardware wallets. One of the most popular is the multi-currency EXODUS.
Step 2: Buy USDT TRC20 and TRON (TRX)
You can buy USDT TRC20 on cryptocurrency exchanges that support TRON-based tokens.
The Exodus wallet also requires some TRON (TRX) for USDT TRC20 transactions, which can be purchased on cryptocurrency exchanges.
They are used to cover transaction fees and interact with decentralized applications (dApps). This is due to the peculiarities of the functioning of the TRON network. Thus, each transaction consumes a little TRX. Without TRON (TRX), you will not be able to use USDT TRC20 for payments or transfers.
Step 3: Pay with USDT TRC20
Once USDT TRC20 and TRON (TRX) are in your wallet, you can use them to purchase premium access.
Choose your plan (90 or 365 days).
Choose your payment method.
Select stableCrypto – Stable Coins.
Select USD Tether –USDT TRC20.
Copy amount.
Open your Exodus wallet and click Send.
Be sure to select the Tron network, then paste the copied amount into the field below.
Then copy the address of the wallet to which you will send USDT TRC20. It is similar to a numeric bank account number:
And paste it into the top box in your Exodus wallet.
Before paying, be sure to double-check the recipient’s address to make sure it is correct. After that, press the Send button.
After payment, be sure to click the button I sent money.